Baba Mandir, also known as Baba Harbhajan Singh Temple, is a significant pilgrimage site located near the breathtaking Chhangu Lake in Sikkim. This temple is dedicated to the memory of Major Harbhajan Singh, a soldier of the Indian Army who is believed to have died in the region during the Sino-Indian War. Legend has it that he continues to protect and guide the soldiers stationed in the nearby areas, and his spirit is said to reside at this sacred site.

Nestled amidst stunning Himalayan landscapes, Baba Mandir draws visitors not only for its spiritual significance but also for its serene setting. The temple features a simple yet beautifully adorned structure, where devotees pay their respects and offer prayers. The journey to Baba Mandir, often combined with a visit to Chhangu Lake, provides a unique opportunity to connect with the region’s rich history and culture while soaking in the spectacular natural beauty that Sikkim has to offer.

Baba Mandir
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