Ravangla, nestled between Gangtok and Pelling in South Sikkim, is a tranquil hill town known for its stunning mountain vistas and peaceful ambiance. This small town sits at an elevation of around 7,000 feet, offering panoramic views of snow-capped peaks like Kanchenjunga, Pandim, and Siniolchu, especially at sunrise. One of its most famous attractions is the Buddha Park, where a towering statue of Lord Buddha stands against a breathtaking backdrop of the Himalayas, symbolizing peace and spirituality.
Apart from Buddha Park, Ravangla is surrounded by lush forests and is a gateway to numerous trekking trails, including those leading to Maenam Hill and Tendong Hill, ideal for nature lovers and trekkers. Other popular spots include the Ralang Monastery, where you can experience local Tibetan Buddhist culture, and the scenic Rayong Sunrise Viewpoint. Ravangla’s serene environment, combined with its cultural richness, makes it a perfect addition to any Sikkim tour, offering travelers a chance to relax, meditate, and connect with nature in an unspoiled Himalayan setting.